Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Colleges Ask Donors to Pay Pledges Early

Cornell University’s request to one of its top donors, Sanford I. Weill, to pay his $250-million pledge early — and at at a reduced rate — may be a tactic more nonprofit organizations could use to raise much-needed cash in this recession.

Full-text blog post by Kathryn Masterson is available via The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 4.7.09.

1 comment:

  1. commercial contract disputes lawyer
    The article "More Colleges Ask Donors to Pay Pledges Early" provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial challenges faced by higher education institutions. It highlights the practical approach some institutions are taking to navigate these financial challenges, offering valuable insights for donors and educational leaders. The article delves into the strategy of colleges asking donors for early payments on pledges, offering a well-rounded perspective on the financial pressures faced by higher education institutions and the creative solutions being employed to address funding gaps. It is a thought-provoking analysis of higher education financing and provides a nuanced look at the financial strategies employed by colleges, conveying the challenges faced by these institutions and how proactive donor engagement can contribute to financial stability.
