Monday, April 13, 2009

New Study Sees Surge in E-Mail Outsourcing

Academia has seen “explosive growth” in the outsourcing of student e-mail systems, according to a new study.

Full-text blog post by Marc Perry is available via The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4.9.09.


  1. solicitation of a minor
    Outsourcing email services is a growing trend due to cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to specialized expertise. A study reveals a significant surge in outsourcing across various industries. Key benefits include cost efficiency, focus on core competencies, access to advanced technology, scalability and flexibility, enhanced security and compliance, 24/7 support and maintenance, improved collaboration and productivity, and global reach. The trend is expected to continue as technology evolves.

  2. abogado de planificación patrimonial fairfax va
    The text suggests adding context to the study in the first paragraph, including the researcher and key statistics on the increase in electronic mail externalization. It also asks for specific examples of companies opting for electronic mail externalization, discussing potential benefits and challenges. The text concludes that while it is an informative piece, further analysis and implications could be provided.
